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Core Process Psychotherapy

At the best of times it can be really difficult to find one's way to the right therapist or counsellor. However, we rarely look for them at the best of times! Usually, we do so when we are struggling, when things are getting on top of us, when we've reached a stage where we just need someone to talk to. The search for support can feel more difficult and frustrating at such times.

How do you begin with me?

As a Core Process Psychotherapist I offer an initial meeting for which there is no charge. This is an opportunity for us to get an idea about how it might be if we worked together. There is time to consider the reasons for therapy and ask questions of each other. If it seems like we might work together we agree an initial period of six weeks after which we review and determine the next step.

How often?

Sessions are weekly and last for one hour. Where other commitments such as work do not permit weekly therapy we work with what is possible. I offer the opportunity of both short and long term work.

About Core Process Psychotherapy

Core Process Psychotherapy offers an opportunity to explore how we are in our present experience including how this may be shaped, in part, by our past. Our work together can unveil clues as to why we are who we are and reveal hidden resources and gifts. This awareness can help us reconnect with our inherent but often hidden sense of well being. Everything is included in Core Process Psychotherapy: our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Joy as well as suffering is invited! While it can be a challenge and feel impossible at times even a memory of happiness can help us be with and move through suffering and difficulty.

I work in different ways in keeping with the uniqueness of each person. For example, I might offer encouragement to be with present experience, to remember, to talk, cry, move, draw, imagine, dream, feel, think. I follow your cues as much as possible.

Psychotherapy can be an enquiring, supportive and transformative journey through suffering, to becoming more fully present to the whole of who we are or wish to be.

Isabel's experience of Core Process Psychotherapy:

"My journey... a journey of recovery, of recover-me, of discovery and re-discovery, of realisation, of re-cognition, of awakening and re-awakening towards wholehearted healing. A patchwork of inner experience, inner and outer listening... From fragmentation to wholeness.... From external compasses to the inner one... the number one compass. A journey of listening, to myself. From abandonment to self-love... A forgiveness of the self, a permission to the self to act, paying attention to the inner voice...first. And that is good enough, not second best, but the best I hold, when I listen. A shift of attention to my inner guide."

Contact me on 020 7277 8310 or 07919 245411. If I am unable to take your call please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible. My e-mail is: and my website is:


Aine Collins


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